Dowry, a social evil, is a kind of social gift given to the bridegroom by the bride's father. It is a social menace that compels many girls to face premature death.
At present, parents cannot think of getting their daughters married off without giving dowry. Sometimes parents of educated and well-established boys demand dowry both in cash and kind. Often they demand a lot of money from brides' fathers as capital investment to start trades for their sons. They demand dowry also to maintain social status.
Dowry system is a curse which makes the brides the victims of regular torture. The bridegrooms oppress the brides both mentally and physically if dowry is not given according to the verbal contract. Social prejudices influence the bridegrooms to dominate and exploit the parents of brides unduly. Both families and women are the victim of the evil dowry system.
Dowry system creates greed, corruption, terrorism, malice, other malpractices and psychological abnormalities in husbands. In case of the failure of giving dowry the wives are tortured brutally and rebuked to bring costly furniture, vehicle, jewellery and more money. Sometimes wives are burnt and strangled to death. Sometimes they cannot stand physical and mental torture and commit suicide.
Dowry is a heavy burden on the poor parents to bear. This system makes women the daily commodities which can be bought and sold. Thus the social status of women is lowered. To manage dowry for their daughters, the poor parents take loans on a high rate of interest, indulge in corruption and stealing.
Bold steps and concerted efforts are necessary for eradicating this social curse. The authority should take drastic measure against the persons who are indulged in crimes and unlawful system. Severe and exemplary punishment has to be inflicted on the persons indulged in taking dowry.
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